An experienced midwife who has attended about 700 births, Linda tells how her heart is filled by the process of educating and empowering women to own their birth experience. She shares her wisdom and tips in her friendlly and passionate style, including the benefits of pregnancy massage and caesarean scar massage.
Linda's Road Map. Introducing Linda and explaining why birth planning and making a 'birth proposal is so important.
3.55 Do you ask more questions buying a new kitchen than you do preparing for birth? Linda talks about the changes over years to a more medicalised system and the need to educate and empower women for different scenarios
5.33 Your body births your baby when its ready. Loving the confidence when she witnesses women who are able to say no and push back to get what they want in birth.
6.50 Linda's ethos. Having kindness and empathy with the women she supports. How simple touches and listening being with a woman is transformational and can make a huge difference form overwhelm to a much better stronger place.
8.11 The transformational possibiliites and benefits of massage in pregnancy. Works well with hypnobirthing and creates connection with the woman and her body. Eases aches and pains. A chance to connect deeper and see what is going on. Loving the way you leave after a massage 'floating on a cloud'
11.25 Massage of the scar after a caesarian section. Linda has learnt to look deeper than the surface look of the scar and the massage helps the way the scar heals. Be mindful of what is going on under the scar inparticular adhesions like the spiderman web! The massage can release these and even prevent them from laying down
14.45 Freedom rather than restriction in later years when you massage the scar and it is never too late to start if this is new to you.
15.46. More than just a one off treat and how much you as the woman matters at the centre of this birth. Linda shares how she sees this particularly in women who have been focused on their career and leave the preparation until very late or until they have finishes work when it would be much more beneficial to do gently and regularly throughout pregnancy. Linda suggests putting the birth more centrally in your life and not leaving it too late. Take time to be prepared.
18.23 Paradigm shift of putting you at the centre of your experience in all areas of your life and how much you need to do this during pregnancy.
19.38 Being moved to tears with the awe of a recent birth. Particularly inspiring as she journeyed from choosing a casearean to a water birth at 42 weeks having reisited pressure to induce.
21.28 The amount of unnecesary interference that happens currently is breaking Linda's heart and watching women be coerced into certain procedures and sometimes separated from their partners and watching it escalate to a caesarean. Linda is on a mission to educate women to know their rights and ask questions.
23.10 The mind body continuum. Get your mind into the right place, a place of calm and your body will follow. Keep your adrenalin low and your oxytocin high then your experience will be so much better

A nurse and midwife for over 30 years Linda loves to share with women the journey of transformation into birthing godesses and empowered mothers. In addition to private midwifery services Linda also offers birthing classes, KG hypnobirthing classes, remedial and relaxing massages and Doula services. She is based in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham and you can check out her services here