The Passion and Possibilities in Birth Interview Series: Welcome Page

The Whos, Hows and Whys of creating a community of support around you as you create your best birth experience.
Back when I was first pregnant I was a fairly typical first time mother to be; anxious and excited in equal meassures yet simultaneiously overwhelmed with all the changes to my body and new information to absorb. I did pretty well, discovering hypnobirthing, and pregnancy yoga and utilising my skills as a therpaist to release fears and old cellular memories.
Still with the wisdom of hindsight I thought it could have been so much easier if I had known more what to even look for and include as self care and birth prepraration. Time is precious and I wasted plenty of it on fruitless, frustrating searches in googleland.
In a bid to help you avoid wasting those hours, I have gathered together 11 different birth professionals to chat and share their wisdom. It is my hope that you will feel inspired and confident to ask for what you need to create your best birth experience. I hope that listening to these passionate voices you will find your own voice and joy as you become a mother.
Full Interview List:
Week 1: Janie Al Alawi, Independent Midwife from Acorn Birth Services
Week 2: Lorna Phillip, Doula from Birmingham Doula
Week 3: Awen Clement. Sacred Celebrant
Week 4: Mandy Rees, Yoga Teacher from Blossom Yoga and Wellbeing
Week 5: Arty Thukral, Reflexologist, Matrix Reimprinting and Bach Flower Remedies.
Week 6: Heidi Danaher: Hypnobirthing Instructor and Pregnancy Yoga Teacher.
Week 7:Gulara Vincent, Writer and Healer specialising in childhood and sexual trauma
Week 8: Janet Eastwood, from Birmingham Community Acupuncture
Week 9: Worcestershire Doulas talking about The Positive Birth Movement.
Week 10: Linda Lillwall, From Bumps 2 babies -midwife, and massage therapis.
Week 11:( Coming Soon)