Mother Spiral

Spiralling downwards into despair,
I meet The Mother,
As she spirals upwards to meet me
Where I am.
And she carries me,
Cradles me,
Comforts and consoles me,
Until I am ready to rejoin Her upwards spiral.
Connected to Her core I spiral up and down with Her.
Always with Her.
I let go into Her heart and Her love draws me deeper.
I pass through the eye of infinity.
And I return,
Raw and aching,
Vital and alive,
Singing my Mother song.
Together we spiral onwards.
This poem was originally published on 29/04/2015 on The Song Hearth
Beautiful! And timely – in need of holding and comfort today.
Thank you Gulara, Glad to hear its timely and lots of motherly holding energy being sent your way x