Healing Birth To Heal the World: Time to step up a gear.

Healing Birth to Heal the World.
That’s a pretty big statement, right? One that I was not willing to see, hear or claim for myself… until now.
It popped out of me as I searched for the words to describe the energetic underpinnings of my business, rather than just what I do. I immediately dismissed it. Not the right words. Something like that but not quite that…
Except that when I spoke with two women who had been through my Birth confidence package and so who knew me and my work intimately, didn’t feel the same. They loved it. They both got goosebumps hearing me say it.
You know that feeling when you are onto something special. When something touches deeply to the core of your being and that part of you cries out in recognition. Your hair stands on end. You are quite literally electrified. Inside you this knowing part of you says YES. THIS. NOW.
Reacting from my instant resistance I said, Oh it’s too cheesy, it’s too much, and didn’t Bob Geldoff sing about healing the world once? Who am I to compare with that? Who on earth do you think you are? This is too much arrogance. I cringed with embarrassment at the thought of telling anyone that this was my message.
Then I saw it. My strong reaction matched the strength of the energy behind the message and I was scared to claim it. Scared of rejection, of ridicule and of committing professional suicide.
As I felt into the words I heard myself saying out loud. "This is dangerous. This is the kind of loving powerful transformation that Jesus Christ got crucified for. If I claim it I will become visible and that is too dangerous."
Now I’d seen it I had a choice, To let it slide on by and continue playing safe, helping a few women here and there in a nice beige kind of existence.
Or I could claim this message as mine.
As the guiding force behind what I do at BirthEssence. The principle that fires me up and really gets my passion flowing.
Well you can probably guess which one I chose. The words are currently plastered all over my facebook page. Once I decide to act I am all in.
So yes, I chose to stand up, right there in the heart and soul of the message and experience its full power. I felt my energy shift up a gear. I felt the vague unrest I had felt for a few weeks now dissolve as everything clicked into place. Despite some lingering echoes of the criticism and doubt what stands out most strongly is exhilaration and freedom. I am transformed and I can already feel how this will add to the transformation and freedom I bring to you, my readers and clients. How it will thread its way into the offerings I make and inform the various ways I support you to transform your birth experience.
As I sit with that I will leave you with a couple of questions.
What fires you up that you have resisted? What birth experience is waiting for you to claim? What transformation awaits you when you claim it?
These are not empty questions by the way. I am inviting you to take out a pen and paper or your journal and see what flows onto the paper. Acknowledge resistance if it is there as this will help to set it and you free.
Finally, in line with my current theme on visibility I invite you to be brave and share what you uncover on the Facebook Page.
Then all that’s left is to follow where it leads you. I look forward to seeing you there.
Yes! Helping me heal my birth is helping me to heal my world. Which in turn will help me to be different in the wider world. One step at a time your message will come true!
Thank you Zoe for your encouragement x