Explore Your Birth Blueprint Mini Course 

How much is your experience of being born, even though you can't remember it, still influencing your reactions and decisions in your life now?

In this Mini Course we aim to find out.

Watch the video below to learn what this course is all about and how it can help you.

Charlotte creates such a safe space for exploring topics which have been traumatic, scary to look at and glossed over. Her pace and gentleness enables a trust in life to emerge, where there was none. This deeply affects the totality of the life I am living. I am so grateful for the time we have spent together.    Hilary

Next Explore Your Birth Blueprint Mini Course starts in February

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Your Questions Answered

What are the dates of the course?

Summary of dates and times

Half Day Deep Dive into  Your Unique Birth Blueprint 

  • Date:  28th September 2024 
  •  Length: approximately 3 hours - plus it is recommended to have some integration time after
  • Option 1: Morning Workshop (Australian Friendly) 10 am UK/ 7pm Sydney
  •  Option 2: Afternoon Workshop (USA friendly)   4pm UK / 11 am EDT / 8am PDT

Integration Workshop: Q & A, reflections and sharing. 

  • Date: 30th September 2024
  • Length: approximately 75 minutes
  • Option 1: (Australian Friendly time) 10 am UK  / 7pm Sydney
  • Option 2:  (USA Friendly time) 4pm UK /11am EDT / 8am PDT

Recorded Material released

  • .Guided Visualisation - Connecting with Baby You 29th September
  • Bonding and Belonging - Healing Exercise - 30th September

Transition /Celebration Call: up to 90 minutes

  • Wednesday 2nd October 2024- 4 pm UK

What is the format of the course?

The course comprises - an initial workshop of 2.5 hours in which we will work through the Explore Your Birth Workbook together.
This will be an intuitive journaling style exploration with some time to share your insights and sit in the energy of what is revealed to you.  This is followed by two Q & A sessions where we can share and discuss your insights and progress.  You will also receive a recording on 'Belonging and Bonding' to support your journey.  We finish with a group celebration call  and closing visualisation oriented to your future path to bring things to a close.


Can I attend both option 1 and 2?

The short answer is yes , you can attend any and all of the workshops.

However, option 2 of the first workshop is a repeat of option1. We will be going through the workbook as a group and doing some healing.  Both workshops will be on the replay page with some time stamps.
For the Q & A workshops, there are again 2 options to cover different time zones. Whether you attend one or both of these will depend on how many questions you have, if you are receiving benefit from listening to others questions and if your time zone allows it! 


What if I can't attend live?

All workshops will be recorded and uploaded to a replay page within 24 hours.  You will have lifetime access to the course content to listen at your leisure and repeat if you desire.

You can also submit questions to the facebook group in advance of the Q& A workshop, which I will answer live in the workshop and then you can listen to the replay in your own time.


What do I need to bring?

You will need a pen and paper/notebook. It may also be useful to have a drink of water and some tissues handy in case you need those.
I will be reading the questions out, and so although you can have the workbook printed out or on screen this is optional according to your preference.


Do I need to work through the workbook before I attend the course?

No that is not necessary. We will be going through the workbook together in our first workshop.  Some people have done it alone before and they still find they get new insights and benefits from going through it together in this way.


Joining Charlotte´s explore your birth blueprint mini-course has been such a deep experience for me. it has been a pleasure to dive deeper into these imprints with likeminded people. The combination of filling in her workbook, sharing our experiences in the calls, having the space to ask questions and the profound group clearings lead to new insights and remarkable healings.  It was truly an ongoing exploration. Staying together in the group container  has been so nourishing.  This was topped of by our Facebook group.   My highlight was the celebration call where Charlotte opened the space for new opportunities to come in even more. I felt so safe and held during this journey into more wholeness guided by Charlotte´s sharp intuition. Thank you sooo much, dear Charlotte.      Annen, Germany

What is it like working with Charlotte on your Birth Blueprint and what are the lived benefits like? 

A perspective from Jonathan in interview form. Jonathan has done the workbook, the free workshop and then the  Explore your Birth Blueprint Mini Course with me. Listen to him talk about his experience below.

Next Explore Your Birth Blueprint Mini Course starts in February

The best part was learning that what I thought I had healed was not fully healed - a new layer presented itself and allowed me to go very deep into a space I had still to discover.  Generally, I love the space you create as a healer and facilitator. You structured this really well. You allowed me the safe space to uncover what was still needing to be addressed and you created a lovely container for us all to support each other as well.   I love how attentive you are and how deeply you listen. I love that you take me to a 'zone' that removes my fear.     Karen G , USA 

Hi, I'm Charlotte

I help  women and some men to create the relationship they long for and finally get their heart and soul projects off the ground. My clients are often  burnt out from putting other people's needs first and they dream of  leading a life they have ownership over.   I have helped hundreds of people heal these patterns that often go right back to their own womb and birth experience.  ‘I live  in Birmingham, UK  with my husband, three boys and the neighbour's cat.

Read more about my story here
