Category Archives for "Birth Blueprint"
Stories, tips and exercises on the subject of healing your own birth trauma, intergenerational and Soul lineage trauma and reiminprinting your birth.
Stories, tips and exercises on the subject of healing your own birth trauma, intergenerational and Soul lineage trauma and reiminprinting your birth.
Come join us for my Free Workshop:
Discover Your Birth Blueprint Workshop - 21st September 2024
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First day at school!
That strange day after a seemingly never-ending summer when the internet is flooded with pictures of children in bright coloured jumpers and blazers outside their front door squinting at the camera with varying degrees of collaboration and enthusiasm.
Parents sighing a sigh of relief, as they wrestle with a multitude of emotions from relief and pride, to sadness or worry...
I've been through many of these 'firsts'. And this year's first day was also my middle son's first ever day at his secondary school. It was a much smoother transition than I had expected.
Although there was the one moment when he innocently asked – who’s picking me up and I stared at him blankly as I realised I had only considered getting him there…All was well with his elder brother stepping into pick him up and he is enjoying the new school.
But- I had been worried about him. It’s a big deal, going to a new place, with new people and getting there and back independently ( which he did after the first day) One he seemed to sail through thankfully.
Because that is not always the case. I remember different transitions involving kicking and screaming and protests. And I have watched many a tearful clinging child at the school gates over the years.
My heart always goes out to them. I remember my own shyness and hidden fears at the beginning of my secondary school journey. I remember being daunted at primary school too. It’s a transition we all went through and we watch our children go through, often with our heart in our mouths. And I’m curious about those who struggle more than others.
What is going on under the surface that means that some sail into a new environment like its an exciting adventure without a care in the world, whilst others are terrified out of their minds? Is it all down to different character traits and what forms those anyway?
I don't know all my answers but what I do know is that in my private work , the first day at school is one of the most common memories that comes up in sessions. Much to their surprise if they have come to me to work on birth trauma. Many come to me to work what they know of how they were born because they know there was a traumatic story there and they feel instinctively that it is still holding them back. But many others come to me because they want a new home, a career change ( often to starting their own business based on something they are passionate about) or are searching for their life partner or soul mate. They feel blocked like it’s never going to happen for them and more often than not there are unexpected levels of fear under a general anxiety.
The anxiety, self doubt, frustrations that come up in these situations are usually a perfect mirror for what their child self went through going to school for the first time.
Where it gets really interesting is after we have helped their inner child with that transition but the child still feels something- usually loneliness, sometimes a lack of safety, or a sense of terror without a clear reason they can point at.
Almost always in those cases when we trace it back it leads to a new born baby.
This is one of the first major transitions in life. Being born we move to a new home, start a new type of relationship (with our mother ) and embark on a new ‘career’; (being human )
And if it didn’t go smoothly, if there is unresolved trauma from those super big transitions, it has a habit of repeating and mirroring throughout our lives whenever we meet with a similar transition.
Our lives are full of transitions big and small, Getting out of bed, getting dressed and out of the door in the morning, are all mini transitions. Bigger ones, such as moving house or moving town, moving jobs, seeking a new relationship, having children and becoming a parent for the first time come along less often but regularly enough.
Moving through those transitions often presents some level of challenge. Sometimes we rise to it and move smoothly through to the next stage. Sometimes we get stuck. It doens't matter how small that transition is- e.g. getting dressed in the morning. If we are stuck, we are stuck and its not nice or comfortable. We feel the gap between where we are and where we want to be. We strive to bridge that gap with various strategies and various degrees of success.
Most people never think back to their birth in any of these situations. We take for granted that we are here and grown up now. We were born and we survived. These memories exist but as they were set before our conscious memory developed, we barely give them a second thought.
Yet maybe we should. I have found that when we have difficulty in our transitions today, when we hesitate or hold back for going for the things we truly want and are calling to us, there is often a link back to those first transitions in life.
It is these links and the blueprint that we developed as we came into this world that I will be talking about on Saturday 21st September in my free workshop Discover Your Birth Blueprint. I will be revealing the key moments in your birth that may still be impacting you in your life today and showcasing some of the transformative work I usually only do with private clients and paid group courses that will help you liberate yourself from the embedded patterns you are used to living.
I look forwards to seeing you there. It's going to be fun.
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Come join us for my Free Workshop:
Discover Your Birth Blueprint Workshop - 21st September 2024
Over the Easter holidays in 2024 we made our first family trip to the Gambia in ten years.
Although they are half Gambian, my two younger sons had never been and for my youngest it was also his first plane trip. Going to the Gambia was also my first plane trip in 10 years. A lot has changed. Even in The Gambia it is all digitised, fingerprints and photographs taken both on the way in and out.
Despite the changes. when the plane landed in The Gambia and I set foot on the sandy runway in the warm evening, it felt like coming home.
Two weeks later when the plane landed back in the UK and I walked off into the cool rain, it also felt like coming home.
Feeling at home is such a powerful feeling. Settled, everything right, a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Joy on both sides as family members reunite.
Yet for many of us, and for a long time myself too, we struggle to feel fully at home anywhere. Do you recognise that feeling?
For me, for years, there was something missing. A sense of being a mis-fit. Of not belonging., being on the outside.
Sometimes it would feel like life was passing me by. There was always a search, a longing. For a partner, for the right job, the ideal place to live. A search that never quite felt complete no matter the beautiful places I lived in or the wonderful people I shared time with.
The peace was fleeting.
Until I started to heal my experience of being born here. I hadn't made any connection with my struggles to find a life partner, a place to live and settle, to feel truly at home with how I had experienced being born. But it was the missing link, the key I needed to land fully here and live my life the way I wanted.
Everything changed for me when I started to do that. I am now married with three children and feel at home in the life I have created.
If this post strikes a chord with you then come join us for my Free Workshop
Discover Your Birth Blueprint Workshop - 21st September 2024
Fill in your details below to join us for this workshop
Come join us for my Free Workshop:
Discover Your Birth Blueprint Workshop - 21st September 2024
As birthday wishes are still coming in several days after my birthday ( thank you everyone – it is so lovely!) I find myself reflecting about celebrating the day of our birth. It seems we do this without that much thought of what it was actually like as a baby making that transition. Perhaps because we don’t consciously remember it as adults. But our subconscious self remembers for sure and has encoded what it learnt into our system. And I wonder if the subconscious memories and learnings are part of what is behind a phenomenon I have noticed.
What I have noticed is that, particularly in Western cultures, people celebrating our birthday often fall into two broad groups.
1. The proud and happy to celebrate group. This group lets everyone know it is their birthday, make time to do something special, perhaps a party and enjoy the attention and party atmosphere.
2. The keep quiet and its just another day group. This group doesn’t want a fuss, often doesn’t tell anyone it is their birthday hope it all passes by without anybody noticing or finding out. They may secretly dread their birthday and the pressure to celebrate even if a part of them also longs for the attention.
Of course life is busy as an adult, and people from either group may be too busy to arrange parties and special events. Yet, still. If like me, you have have tended to fall into the latter camp for much of your life, Why is it so hard to celebrate yourself?
Yes, there may be some other factors including natural shyness and introversion but it is more than that. Honouring yourself in a ritual is significant. It can honour where you are at now and how far you have come. It can be beautiful, intimate and touching. It can be fun and joyful. Yet it can also feel completely alien to me and extremely uncomfortable. It can feel cringey, awkward and terrifying. You might justify or downplay your feelings - I don't have time, it's just another day, birthday parties are for kids...
This makes me wonder. At the discomfort some people feel when you are the object of attention, when it is time to honour and value yourself. When I see this pattern occurring, I wonder how you were born.
In the UK over 30% of women found some aspect of giving birth traumatic 1 – meaning the true figure is likely higher. Many of my clients have not realised the pain they were suffering was due to trauma. They saw trauma only as something that would occur if there had been a life-threatening incident where they nearly died. So they downplayed their suffering. But trauma happens when you experience a stressful or frightening incident where you felt out of control or overwhelmed and unable to cope. Even if in reality you are not in danger you can still be left with trauma responses. And whatever your mother goes through, the baby you also goes through, without an adult perspective to reason through afterwards.
If you have unresolved trauma, even if you don’t remember it, why would you want to celebrate the day it happened?
Picture this common scenario for a moment.
You are a baby, all comfortable in the womb, always warm, always fed, sounds are muffled. Your mother’s heartbeat is a constant steady beat marking time pumping love and nutrients into your body at all times. Then everything changes. It is time to be born. It is intense. You feel the contractions pressing your body into new shapes and positions. You are moving towards your new world.
But your mother is scared. There is noise. Other people are scared and you can sense it. They are worried about you. The secret fear is that something could go very wrong and you might die. You don’t have the kind of identity boundary that an adult has. You don’t know you are separate from everything going on around you. This is overwhelming.
You emerge. It is bright. It is loud. It is noisy and there are several people staring at you with concern wondering if you are OK. You are moved through the air. You are terrified. You are not sure what is going on. You cry.
Everyone celebrates this moment. You are here, you are alive you are well.
You are confused. You need time and quiet to process. You need your mother.
But there is more noise. You are passed around. You are dressed. You are wiped. Then there is silence. You are alone.
You have never been on your own before and you cannot survive on your own. You are desperate. Where is your mother? Is she alive? Are you? What is this place?
Then she is there. You are held again. You relax.
Time passes. You grow and you forget.
Only your subconscious self remembers. It holds the pattern of this memory of the world in your cells.
A response that can return with a vengeance when all the attention is on you at a special or important moment. The buried terror threatens to resurface as a part of you relives that first time everyone was staring at you. You freeze. You default to the wounded baby who still resides deep inside. You can go to pieces without understanding why.
For this is an incomplete loop that will seek to complete itself. The pattern will repeat until the loop closes. Until the trauma has been resolved.
I notice with my clients the key moments in their life when this commonly surfaces. Events that mirror the energy of their birth where they react with a greater charge than the situation warrants. This can occur in any every day situation such as going for a job opportunity, seeking a partner, making friends, trying new hobbies.
Or being comfortable being seen and celebrating your birthday.
As you read, what do you notice about your own relationship to your birthday? Which part of this post touches you?
The good news is that although you cannot change what happened to you, you can change your relationship to it and your response to the world. It is liberating to explore your own birth story and reveal the moments of your birth that impacted you. When you resolve and heal these earliest traumas, when you change how you experience yourself in this world, you are powerful. You are willing to stand and be seen and bring all of yourself to your life. You are ready to finally live your life the way you want without hiding away.
It is my genuine hope and dream that you and everyone in the world gets to explore and heal how you were born so that you can get your soul oriented projects off the ground and live the life you feel calling to you. The world needs us all to be all of us.
Come to my free Workshop - Discover Your Birth Blueprint on 21st September to learn more.
Fill in your details below to join us for this workshop
Also coming soon - Next Explore Your Birth Mini Course starts 28th September. Click here for more information.
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Featured photo credit HONG FENG on Unsplash ">
This week I had a fabulous opportunity to be interviewed by friend and mentor, Joel Young, Founder of the NPA Process and host of the Be a Brilliant Human Podcast and we delved into some great topics surrounding healing your own birth.
It always amazes me how many people have not considered their own birth as a factor in how they choose to birth their children, especially if they have unexplained fears. But it is not just a useful exploration for when you are expecting a child. In this episode I delve into why it matters for all of us, especially now, and how much our experience us when we were being born may still be impacting us now.
We covered:
It was super fun, I hope you enjoy it.
This New Year is galloping ahead already. First week of school nearly gone, and I am still setting intentions for the year ahead. It promises to be an interesting year and possibly a revolutionary transformative year for many. One in which I feel the call to really break free of any lingering conditioning that keeps me small or silent.
I’m on the path, I have no idea where it is leading but I’m taking steps and the guidance and insights are already nudging me along. Like Joel Youngs mini traning series - Secrets To Rocking Your 2020 Intentions (So They Actually Have An Impact & Get You What You Want)on his Be a brilliant human podcast, In the first part of the 4 part training Joel shares a story of him as a young boy lighting dry grass with a magnifying glass to illustrate how setting and manifesting intentions works. In part two the theme is on acknowledging the wholeness of you to achieve your unique focus and he revisits fire story again. As I listened for the second time I was struck with my own memory of me at a similar age trying to set paper alight.
My story is slightly different as I stopped before I succeeded.
As I became that girl again for a few moments and felt into why she stopped and what she had really wanted I saw how this was an ongoing pattern that had repeated subtly throughout my life and was impacting my success in many areas.
The young girl Charlotte was totally fascinated and wanted to make a proper fire. But she got scared as the paper turned black and the smoke started to rise. She hurriedly stopped, with a furtive glance over her shoulder to check if anyone was watching. She was scared of getting in trouble. She could see all too clearly the scene if she was discovered and the telling off that would follow. Secretly, she wanting to be more wild than this. She had fantasies of being a wild bush woman. But she was too scared of starting something that she couldn’t control and got too big for her and then she really would be in trouble.
No matter the burning inferno scenario was so unlikely in England on a green grassy lawn, she stopped, but reluctantly, regretfully. It was a bind being such a good girl sometimes.
As I zoomed back out to the present day I was painfully aware of all the times in my life I have stopped short before putting the full idea or dream into action. Keeping small and hidden and then feeling bad inside and settling for the hit approval gave me instead of fulfilment.
The good news is that this is no longer my story. I has lingered way too long and yet it’s definitely on it’s way out. Last year I found myself stepping up in new ways that were not small and hidden. I found myself running a Birth Summit on Finding your Confidence to birth the way you want and not the way you are settling for. This is exactly the learning that I have been putting into practice in my own life in the way that we teach what we are ourselves learning. Despite any inner doubter that would question my own authority as a relative unknown birthworker I contacted those whose message I loved and respected and overwhelmingly they said yes with enthusiasm and the Summit was created with 27 interviews and 5 classes over the month of November last year. You can now catch up here if you missed it. There is such a wealth of information from some amazing women and I highly recommend you watching if you feel the pull and have a habit of holding back on the fullness of your dreams through fear.
Back to the fire story. I zoomed back down to me as a young girl then carried backwards every younger. I see myself hesitant, shy, living in my secret inner world where I am more confident and outgoing. I trace back further. To myself as a baby being born.
I am familiar with my experience of being born even though I have no conscious memory in ordinary waking daily life. From time spent healing the way I was born. I notice the pattern was there in my energy field and got activated and concretised during birth.
As I was in the process of being born, I felt overwhelmed. Life was too big, loud and different. I was not sure I was ready and I hesitated. But things were taken out of my control and I was helped out by the doctor. I felt small, helpless and daunted. I felt that I would have to be more secretive and hide what I wanted. Not the best way to get what you want I think now.
I continue backwards out of the womb and reconnect to a different energy. A larger essence that is also me. I come back in. Now it is different. Now I feel joy. I am delighted by life even in its bigness and my relative smallness. I feel love for the small me. I see and experience the same birth story as before but I can also hold in my field the delight of life and it changes everything. My DNA is different. My feelings towards myself and my capabilities are transformed. I carry this expanded awareness forwards through my life. I feel my own wholeness that is present even as life’s challenges hit me. I can tap into the delight of being alive and I am not holding back anymore. This awareness changes the programming in my cells and it opens up the possibilities in my life right here and now.
This is the energy I am starting 2020 with. And it is this kind of open field freedom energy possibility that I want you to start 2020 with too. Our planet and our children certainly need us to step up into the wholeness of our being and take action right now.
To support you in this I am offering my BirthBlueprint Reading and Healing Sessions at a super introductory offer price. . These sessions look at the map of your essential wholeness that is uniquely you revealed by your own birth story. They comprise an intuitive reading based on the facts of your birth and a healing session that will address the wounds and unhelpful programming you may have suffered during birth.
This is amazing transformative work. Healing your own birth experience is often the missing link for you when you are pregnant. If you are scared, you don’t really know why and hypnobirthing is not touching the sides then healing your birth story may be the missing link you are searching for. This work is also the key to reconnecting to your inner wholeness and passion for life that will fire you up to make a difference in 2020. Now is the time to step up bold and brave and put into action all those secret dreams you have been holding back on.
If this sounds interesting to you drop me a message at or comment below and I will send you all the details.
In the mean time Happy New Year and here’s to an amazing revolutionary 2020.
Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash
This post is a follow on to last week's post on reflections on the meaning of my birth stories. It details some of the deeper meaning for me behind my encounters with the breech position. I won't give any more away. I invite you instead to read on to discover how my son and his playful positioning supported me on my path to healing and growth.
Were you ready to be born? I was asked gently, kindly.
The answer came in a flood of tears. 'No!' I wailed.
My heart felt it would burst against my ribcage. The long suppressed pain now released was overwhelming in its intensity. I stayed with it. Waves of grief, loss, anger followed each other. I surrendered fully and lived the emotions as they poured through me. For a few long minutes the painful emotions were all I knew. They were all of my existence as I heard and experienced them fully. Then as they had come they subsided, spent at last.
I was 34 weeks pregnant and at my last antenatal appointment, a week earlier, my baby was lying breech. As I walked home I felt the red warning flags flying and alarm bells sounding.
What was I worried for?
Not as you may think because his choice of position was threatening my natural home birth plans. No! I knew that breech was a variation of normal, I had read Mary Cronk’s paper- Hands off the breech and devoured Ina May’s book Guide to childbirth several times over. I was determined to birth the way I wanted, it just felt so right.
I had time too. I mistakenly thought at the time that I had only 4 weeks for him to turn to a more favourable position.
I don’t quite know where I got the idea from but I was under the false impression that babies could no longer physically turn after 37 weeks due to their growing size. I have since heard all kinds of stories of babies turning just before and during labour. This was yet another myth that underestimates the capabilities of us women. Still I thought 4 weeks was a good amount of time in the grand scheme of things.
I did have a vague sense that I may have a job of persuasion to convince my midwife of that my choice was the right one. I think the way she rolled her eyes, bit her lip and pushed her unspoken words back down into her paperwork when I casually, unthinkingly mentioned that I would not automatically have a caesarean if I was breech that gave me some clue to her view of the subject…! But even this was not what was bothering me.
So why was I worried given that I knew it was ok for babies to be born topsy turvy, I had a month to turn, and wasn’t too daunted by the difference of opinion with my midwife?
‘He is lying breech and I was born breech… I was breech and now he is too…’
The phrases kept repeating themselves over and over in my mind. On the one hand part of my confidence that he could be born breech came from my own direct experience.
I totally knew it was possible to be born breech just fine because that was my experience.
I don’t remember my birth on the conscious every day level of reality but I knew that the memory of my lived experience was informing my confidence as it came to my turn to give birth. Which leads us neatly over to the other hand.
Had I inadvertently imprinted a bottom first approach and was now repeating history?
It was slightly confusing and contradictory. I knew it was possible but still wanted to try and change his position to a more usual head down position that I believed would be easier for him, me and my midwives. I didn't really want a fight with the system but I didn't want to push or force my baby if he was happy. The only way to resolve such conundrums for me is to go within. I needed to go within to find out and clear the imprinting. Free of the imprinting I would then be able to see clearly along the path of this birth. Then if he chose to be born breech I would know it was a free choice that was beneficial to him in some way.
Which brings us back to the question at the start of this post. I was half way through the kind of 1:1 session I take my BirthEssence clients through and this question was the breakthrough moment of that process.
My friend and colleague gently guided me through the process of discovering the cellular memories that were stored in my body and I spontaneously accessed the memory of my birth quite easily. It popped up in my awareness, strong and real. Some details were hazy but the general gist was crystal clear. I was not ready to be born when the doctors assisted my stuck head. I was resisting life with all my might but got pulled out anyway against my will.
These moments of heightened emotions at such a vulnerable time caused significant imprinting that affected how I related to the world. I saw all the times since that I didn’t feel ready for my life experiences. I saw how often I felt caught in a ‘tug of war’ over which direction to choose; How often I felt frustrated over outside circumstances that seemed to dictate what I should do that I had no control over; How often I felt pressured by others to do things a certain way or by a certain time.
I also saw the gifts in this birth experience. I had chosen a less common route to be born, one that was not so easy. I wanted to experience things my way, do things differently and explore how that felt. I was learning to be myself no matter what circumstances came my way. I was learning to stand tall and true to me no matter how unconventional that looked and no matter what obstacles I needed to overcome.
Did I have to experience disempowerment and separation during a birth I found deeply traumatic before I could feel empowered and connected?
I don’t know all the answers to that but I do know that I found peace that day with my choice and timing of birth circumstances. I healed the pain of not being ready or in control and in so doing two more gifts were revealed to me.
It is my hope that those reading this will be inspired to make peace with and heal the challenging aspects of their own birth. I hope that even as you realise that a difficult birth experience does indeed shape you just as a peaceful experience does, that it does not have to scar you for life. I hope to offer a pathway for you to appreciate all parts of your birth story and know that even the painful parts bring you gifts. Gifts that offer you comfort, peace and ultimately deep insights and wisdom that will serve you, your children and the long term future of humanity.
In case you are wondering, shortly after that process my son turned. I don’t even know when, it was almost an anti-climax. No drama of fanfare, but at my next appointment the midwife announced he was in the perfect position and there he stayed. You can read more about his birth story here
My son, one week old at his naming ceremony- which he slept right through!
Resources for Breech Birth and texts mentioned in the post.
Here is a list of the resources I mention in the post plus a few extras. If you would like personalised support to clear energetic blocks to helping your baby into an optimal position for birth or to clear trauma from a previous birth experience including your own then please check out my 1:1 Transformation page. Thank you and enjoy your pregnancy and baby.
Mary Cronk's wisdom about Breech Birth: and
Some Beautiful photographs of Breech Birth:
For optimal positioning:
Uk based Facebook Support Group for Breech Birth:
Inspirational Reading, the book I started with: