Awaken the strong, confident birth worker waiting inside you
It's time!
You are a passionate birthworker who is also a sensitive and/or empath. Your desire is to truly support the women and birthing people in your care in an empowered way, so that they get the birth they dream of and experience the magic of birth that you know is possible. But you are challenged and discouraged by the demands and restrictions of the maternity care system. You struggle to maintain your vision in the face of the far reaching mistrust of women's bodies and their capacity to birth. This impacts you and your clients so strongly that sometimes you feel like giving up.
But this is a calling and you can't ignore it.
You just wish you could make more of a difference without it draining and exhausting you so much. You are also concerned that you may yourself be 'the wounded healer' who has their own birth trauma to heal. You don't want that energy to leak out and affect the birthing field of the people you are supporting. You want to feel fully confident in your role in the change you want to bring in the world.
Where to start with such a big subject that matters so much to you? Especially when you are barely keeping your head above water with all the different aspects of your life that need you and no matter what you do nothing seems to change.
The facebook group is a small but growing group of like minded passionate people who desire to see a change in the way birth is done. I will be sharing and testing what I create to support you in that group first. Come and join us and help shape a different future together.
I also work 1on1 with clients to heal their birth story, so that they can live their own lives to the fullest. This is particularly important for birthworkers who are supporting women, babies and families going through their birth experience. My Birth Blueprint package may be of interest and I also create bespoke packages that go beyond your personal birth and go deeper into the legacy of the persecution imprint that we see echoes of every time we try to centre women and their wisdom in the system today.
Below you can read some testimonials and book a clarity call to see how I might be of support to you.
"I have been having sessions with Charlotte for just over a month now. I have noticed big changes within my consciousness that are helping me to address my addictive behaviours and to be present within my body, rather than avoiding or repressing feelings. Charlotte has a beautiful energy and she makes me feel heard, supported and guides me to go deeper into healing even when I feel resistant. I have experienced my birth story, past life and inner child memories and each time I am blown away with Charlotte's skilled guidance. I urge everyone to try NPA and to just trust and go with what comes up. Often it initially feels unrelated to my current issues but it never is! It is the foundations of my beliefs that I have not even been conscious of... and that is where the work needs to be done."
Fran Bennett, Birmingham, UK.
My special areas of focus are:
"I loved the session the other night. I started in overwhelm but felt cared for, clearer and lighter at the end. it feels really different to re telling a difficult experience. I mean, it’s intense. But it also feels safe and settling It feels very deep and profound. It felt like we moved into the heart of some important things quite quickly that I wouldn’t uncover in conventional therapy. And also without re living , re telling or re traumatising. I think the key thing is it’s not coming from the head. It’s from the body and to me it felt like entering a magic realm"
Sophie Jeffries, Bearing Wonder, Melbourne, Australia.
I'm interested. Tell me more about what's involved and how it works.
I'm so glad you are interested. This work is powerful as are you and we need you. It is truly time for us to rise together and collectively create the world we want to live in and leave for our children.
Below is a summary of the main practical details you need to know
Want to chat and check if we are a fit to work together ?

Hi I'm Charlotte Kanyi and I facilitate the magic! That's what it feels like. when centuries of oppression you hadn't noticed you were carrying just slide off. It's the relief and freedom when patterns that have always been there are gone and you can claim your own space, your way. It's how I felt when I birthed my 3 sons, each time, at home in the ordinary yet extraordinary, undisturbed way we were designed to do.
I was guided to these choices after a healing journey that explored my own birth experience and my life in the womb. I was determined that my children would not go through the trauma that I did and cleared out every fear and imprint standing in the way of the birth I wanted for them and me.
I subsequently realised that what I experienced was rare and not even on many people's radar as a possibility - joyful, confident birth without interference - was what lead me to specialise my business in this direction.
" I loved my session with Charlotte yesterday. She holds the space for transformation so amazingly well. Her intention for you to transform beyond limiting patterns and beliefs encourages so much more momentum for it to happen. I felt I really understood the patterns we were working on and I could see clearly how they play out in many areas of my life It felt like some kind of healing alchemy."
Heidi Danaher - Isle of Man, UK.

Want to have a go at NPA yourself?
It is a 6 line spoken word process that opens doors and allows energy to move in magical ways. Its simple, yet effective. You can learn more from the founder and custodian Joel Young at the link below.
Learn more about The NPA Process.
Download your free Worksheet here