1:1 Birth Confidence Sessions
It's time to awaken the strong, confident birthing mother waiting inside you.

Have you tried hypnobirthing but you still can't relax, trust your body or believe in yourself?
Was giving birth the first time so awful that you don't think you could go through it again?
Is worrying about giving birth keeping you awake and nothing seems to be helping?
Birth Confidence Sessions will bring you the self belief and freedom you are seeking and support you need to create birth you dream of.

Does any of this sound familiar?
It's all a far cry from the happy, cosy dreams you made with your partner what seems like a lifetime ago. You are starting to dampen down those plans; you'd settle for just getting through and out with both of you in one piece so you can get on with being a mother. But deep inside you there is still that flame, that little voice niggling away at you- 'This doesn't have to be like this'.
You are right! It doesn't have to be like this.
For too long women's wants and needs have gone unheard, been pushed aside, diminished. You can barely hear your own soul whisper you are so used to being conditioned to put others first, to keep the peace and go along with the status quo.
It is time for you to reclaim your birthright as a strong, confident woman and mother.

"When I started working with Charlotte I was somewhat resigned to another traumatic hospital birth. I was so disempowered after my first childbirth that it seemed beyond me to consider any other option but consultant-led hospital care. After only a few sessions, I had a huge breakthrough and now working towards having a homebirth! I finally feel safe and empowered to decide what serves me best."
Gulara Vincent, Birmingham UK.
This is the transformation that happens when you invest in yourself and your family with Birth Confidence Sessions.

All the stress, worry and feelings of failure. They disappear. Imagine it... All those tiring objections your mind used to play on repeat; You are not a natural earth mother, you can't squat and you have a ridiculously low pain threshold. All gone. All those worries about every aspect of birth; your body won't open, the baby might get stuck, you might tear, haemorrhage or even die. All faded away to nothing.
Instead of paralysing fear preventing you from bonding with your baby and enjoying your pregnancy, you feel safe, connected and at peace.
No longer do you believe you are setting yourself up for disappointment by wanting a natural or positive birthing experience. No longer do you secretly feel like a failure as a mother before you've even begun. Instead you confidently step into your new role able to ask and get what you really want.
Here's what it looks like when you clear out your blocks to your dream birth.
You listen deep and dream big: listening to your inner voice you co-create your birth joyfully with your baby and partner.
You speak up with confidence for what matters most to you. Others hear you and respect your wishes.
Obstacles melt away as your external world transforms to match your new inner confidence
You believe in yourself and know, at a really deep level that your birth experience will be amazing and leave a lasting positive imprint on you and your baby.

"I was so touched by the depth of today's session and your amazing intuition and connection. It is so clearly obvious already that the pattern of lack of deserving is shifting. I feel so much stronger and am not taking on others stress. I am allowing the new me and my feeling of deserving to settle in and have felt a new inner strength bubbling up. I am holding my power. The processing from my birth was amazing. I felt so safe and comfortable and really got to the very heart of a lot of core issues. "
Heidi Danaher - Isle of man, UK
What Birth Confidence Sessions are.
These are powerful sessions that blend the best healing tools that I have personally used to transform my own life and birth experience. Rather than trying to force yourself to think positively when you're not feeling it, you will be guided to explore and release what's actually causing the fear. You will change any mistaken beliefs, re-programme your system and clear your karmic imprinting to reset your entire consciousness around birth. You will then be free to achieve the birth experience you secretly dream of and don't yet dare to hope is possible.
Along the way you may revisit and heal your own entrance to the world and any previous birth experiences you have. I support you to uncover cellular memories that are blocking the proper functioning of your body and release them. You will clear your system of any traumatic residue that could prevent the smooth unfolding of this birth. These sessions are what you need when no matter what you do and despite having tried things that have worked for other people you are still feeling stuck. They get right into the root cause and karmic imprinting that is keeping you locked into old patterns of fear and failure.
Single Session
Release your deepest fear
Best for single specific issue.
For example:
Pay £125 for a single session.
Includes 20 minute follow up session.
"I had a 1 to 1 session with Charlotte in advance of having my second baby, having had a bad experience first time around. I found that the session really helped me to put to bed the anxiety that I was carrying and the visualisations which Charlotte recommended were a great help in preparing for and going through labour. Highly recommended"
Hannah Tipper -Birmingham , UK
Pack of three
Deeper, sustained change with multiple sessions
Work deeply on a repeating theme or strong blocks to your confident birth.
Themed Packs include:
Pay £291 in 3 instalments of £97.
pay £275 in one go.
Pack of seven
Freedom and confidence in birth and life
Enjoy life changing, life affirming empowerment as a mother and woman
Pay £585 in 3 instalments of £195
pay £559 in one go.
Here's what you may have been trying up to now that isn't working for you.
On the other hand... These sessions are perfect for you if:
The question is do you heed the call?
If you hear the call, even as a whisper the best place to start is with a FREE exploratory call with me. You can schedule this with one click of the button below. In this call we will chat and I will listen to your concerns and desires for birth, In this conversation we will decide if this work is right for you and what exactly you need.
You will certainly remember this sacred rite of passage for as long as you live. Let us make it a memory of joy, love and warm fuzzy pride, one that empowers you, emboldens you and one that sustains you in dark times as you remember your strength and power.

"It's been a privilege to work with you and was worth every penny and more. After a traumatic induction and Caesarean first time, I achieved the birth I wanted this time. I marvel that the birth so closely resembled the intentions we worked on and learned so much of value which I have yet to unpack. Many of the things we worked on in the context of the approaching birth were things in me that keep playing out in my life. So as a result of dealing with them my relationships are different and my life has changed for the better."
Zoe Challenor - Birmingham, Uk.

Hi I'm Charlotte Kanyi and I facilitate the shift you need to move from fear to confidence and enjoy giving birth.
I know it may not seem even remotely possible right now. Not when you are stuck in overwhelm and fear and nothing you do seems to be making a difference. But as Nelson Mandela said "It always seems impossible until it's done." My invitation is to be kind to you, take a leap of faith and follow your heart and inner calling, no matter how timidly she has been whispering. Until Now!
However your fears and beliefs about birth are showing up,
if you are serious about transforming your experience,
BirthConfidence Sessions can help you.
Getting practical - Answers to your frequently asked questions.
Where are you based? Do you work in person or on line?
How long are the sessions?
How many sessions do you recommend?
What if I book a package of several sessions and then I give birth early?
I am 41/42/ ( insert number) weeks and the medical staff want to induce me. I really don't want that. can you help me?
What if I book a package then after the first one I decide it's not for me
What happens if I miscarry or lose the baby?
My baby is breech, Will this work help them turn?
P.S. If you are tempted but still holding back; Perhaps you have never done anything like this before. Perhaps it seems like a lot of money. Don't worry this is really normal. It's normal for objections to come up and to feel as scared by the thought of 1:1 work as you are by the birth. It can be confusing. But often most of the confusion is because you know the answer to your question really but you are scared and you are listening in the wrong place, to the mind. I offer a 30 minute Free exploratory call to help you decide if this is the right work for you. this is the best starting place if you are interested but unsure. In that time we can get a feel for each other and you may find the clarity you need.
Ultimately though, the only one who can really answer the should I/ I shouldn't I is you. And it's not your head who knows the answer. Believe me, I know all about the extensive persuasion tactics and protection racket of the mind. Here's a tip to try instead. Breathe your energy and focus down down into your heart and into your womb. Ask yourself, "Is it in my highest and best interest to do this?" See what response you get and go with it either way. And if its a Yes- then Great!
Single Session
Release your deepest fear
Best for single specific issue.
For example:
Pay £125 for a single session.
Includes 20 minute follow up session.
"I had a 1 to 1 session with Charlotte in advance of having my second baby, having had a bad experience first time around. I found that the session really helped me to put to bed the anxiety that I was carrying and the visualisations which Charlotte recommended were a great help in preparing for and going through labour. Highly recommended"
Hannah Tipper -Birmingham , UK
Pack of three
Deeper, sustained change with multiple sessions
Work deeply on a repeating theme or strong blocks to your confident birth.
Themed Packs include:
Pay £291 in 3 instalments of £97.
pay £275 in one go.
Pack of seven
Freedom and confidence in birth and life
Enjoy life changing, life affirming empowerment as a mother and woman
Pay £585 in 3 instalments of £195
pay £559 in one go.
Woman holding baby by Julie Johnson , Woman on beach by Anthony Tran on Unsplash , woman standing in garden, Image by Terry Thomas from Pixabay

About Charlotte Kanyi
Want to know more about how I transformed my own experience from fear to confidence? Click here to read how I successfully used the same tools I share with you now in the 1:1 sessions to enjoy three fantastic birth experiences and be inspired on your own journey.